Lancaster Farming is the leading Northeast and Mid-Atlantic farm newspaper. Every week, we deliver over 148 pages of news, market and commodity reports, and agribusiness information to more than 155,0001 readers in Pennsylvania and all 50 states. Lancaster Farming has been in continuous print since 1955, covering ag industries such as dairy, livestock, food crops, feed crops, specialty crops, and emerging markets such as hemp. It is also the single largest classified, auction, and farm equipment marketplace in the region.

Readers in all 50 states
Our Content
Lancaster Farming’s newspaper includes three sections each week.

Section A
is devoted to breaking news, dairy and beef news, over 120 commodity market reports, and upcoming events. This section includes the latest on seminars, shows, and product development as well as advertising from leading agriculture organizations, institutions, businesses and manufacturers.

Section B
is the family section and includes recipes, local columnists, 4-H, FFA and Grange news, and You Ask-You Answer (reader-submitted questions and answers). Section B includes Mailbox Markets, which is a huge marketplace reserved exclusively for subscribers; it’s like a scavenger hunt in every week’s paper. This section also has the most comprehensive listing of auctions on the east coast: equipment, real estate, livestock, household goods, coins, antiques, firearms, collectibles, and much more.

Section C
is the classified center of the paper with over 30 classified categories. This section features page after page of ads for farming equipment, construction equipment, trucks, trailers, fencing, building supplies, real estate, livestock, help wanted, and everything farmers need for their business. Advertisers can place their line ads or display ads in relevant classified categories for maximum impact.
Why Advertise in Lancaster Farming?
Our advertisers get results! In a recent independent research study, over 90% of our advertisers said they would recommend advertising in our publication because of strong results and great customer service. National research has shown that newspaper ads are preferred over other types of ads.
Lancaster Farming is known for its rich and extensive ad marketplace with over 60% of pages containing retail or classified advertising. Readers subscribe to this newspaper because it is their primary resource for finding what they need. From tractors to tires, horses to hens, and everything in between, our readers will be looking for your ad.

Advertisers that recommend us
Readers purchase from a newspaper ad
Readers purchase from a display or classified ad
Special editions
Throughout the year, Lancaster Farming publishes relevant and timely special editions. Advertising space in our special editions is formatted with the same column width as the regular paper, making it easy and affordable for you to run your ad in both.

Grower & Marketer
Grower & Marketer is published twice a year in late winter and early spring to coincide with the Mid-Atlantic Vegetable Conference in February and spring planting. This publication is an excellent place to advertise seeds, vegetable plant transplants, packaging, soil, irrigation, manure, hydroponics, and plastic mulch laying equipment.
Eastern Dairy Reporter
Eastern Dairy Reporter is published the 3rd week of every month with a 35# jet bright cover. This publication has all of the Dairy Herd Inspector Association (DHIA) records so that farmers can compare their herd stats. This section is perfect for businesses that sell feed, drenchers, cattle chutes, milking machines, pole barns, fencing, barn cleaning equipment, and more. This section has strong readership in prime dairying areas of Pennsylvania, New York, and Maryland.
Resource Guides
Resource Guides include The Fair Guide, Auctioneer Guide, and Ag Directory. These publications are all in booklet format because they are kept and referred to throughout the year. Information is organized chronologically and by state, making it easy for readers to find what they need quickly and easily. These resource guides are especially important for businesses and associations that want to reach a quality, targeted audience. Electronic versions of these and all of Lancaster Farming’s special sections are available to view online.
Building & Finance/Realtors
Building & Finance/Realtors are pages in the paper with critical information on how to buy, sell, or finance farmland and buildings. Key advertisers for this section include realtors, savings and loans, credit unions, banks, architecture firms, lawyers, auctioneers, and appraisers.
Additional Dairy Publications
June is Dairy Month and Dairy Farm Features (DHIA Reports & Breed Highlights) provide a comprehensive view of everything related to dairy farming. Your ads for dairy equipment and supplies will reach a large and engaged audience.
Crop Talk
Crop Talk is published in February, August, October, and November. Each themed section coincides with seasons when farmers are ready to buy seeds and replace equipment. Advertise in this publication to sell seeds, planting equipment, mulch, and fertilizers.
Spring and Fall Home Improvement
These sections cover anything related to sprucing up the farm. If your business sells fencing, pole buildings, roofing, painting, or cleaning services, you’ll want to be in this section.

Nutrient Management
Nutrient Management is a section dedicated to helping farmers comply with regulations and understand all the facets of a comprehensive nutrient management strategy. This section covers the National Manure Expo, including reporting on soil testing, preparation & erosion control, fertilizing, manure management, hauling, and spreading. Businesses involved in facilities cleaning, soil application equipment, nutrient management planning and manure hauling and removal are all relevant to this section.
Holiday Gift Guide
Holiday Gift Guide is a much-loved publication with gift ideas for the farmer in your life. This is a great opportunity for an advertiser who sells items such as boots, coats, hardware, hats, cheese, jerky, home décor, hunting equipment, or similar items.

Mid-Atlantic Horse
Mid-Atlantic Horse is a publication that appears on the first Saturday of the month in Lancaster Farming newspaper. Mid-Atlantic Horse includes beautiful photography and covers a variety of horse disciplines and horse people. Advertise in this publication if your business is involved in horse breeding, horse care, training, boarding, tack, fencing, barn building, hay, equipment, or feed.
Farm Shows
Farm Shows are covered in several special publications dedicated to specific shows, including the New York Farm Show, Empire Farm Days, Ag Progress, and the Keystone and Pennsylvania Farm Shows. These information-packed publications are an essential resource for producers who want to kick the tires and get firsthand product information from dealers and manufactures. Lancaster Farming distributes these sections in the paper to our extensive, paid distribution and also to the attendees at these shows. Any business with a booth at one of these shows is well-advised to advertise in these sections so readers will visit their booth during the show. If you don’t have a booth at the show, it is even more important to advertise in the section to make sure your business gets in front of this audience.
May Beef Month
Every week in May, Lancaster Farming has dedicated pages about beef farming. These pages are a great place for advertisements from breeders, artificial insemination companies, cattle chutes builders, and any business who sells equipment related to beef farming.
Lancaster is the premier agriculture news website in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic, offering top news stories, online classifieds, local event listings, videos, and podcasts. Put your business in front of an online farming audience with digital display ads, sponsorships, video pre-roll ads and more.
¹Estimated based on market research by Mark Smith Associates